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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

12 Weeks Pregnant

12 Weeks Pregnant. I've never said that before about myself. I've never BEEN that before. Its a little surreal.

I'm still not totally excited, as our NT scan isn't until tomorrow. But I'm truely hoping that if we get good results back from the scan and bloods that I may even be able to crack a smile without fear of karma going 'oooh I saw you smile, miscarriage for you'. I know, I know its dumb to feel like that. But thats simply how I feel. Don't enjoy it or it might be taken away from you. So hoping I can get past that soon.

In related news, I'm fat. My pants are a bit tight. And I'm eating to much A couple of weeks ago I told DP my uterus was the size of a grapefruit, which was probably why I had a little podgy pouch belly beginning. Um, wrong - it appears that NOW my uterus is the size of a Grapefruit. I told DP and he cracked up, saying my pregnancy brain is pretty good to be able to find a reason that I had a belly other than the amount of food I've been eating

But I want healthy food when I can't get it. I keep craving salad in the middle of the day at work when there is no chance I can access a nice, clean, safe salad. I don't even trust the local Subway out here. A simple salad wrap last week made my gastro bug even worse

More than anything I want a Caesar Salad. OMG I would kill for one. But do you think I could find a single Caesar Dressing at Coles that did not contain raw egg..... nope. Then I googled it to see if I could make my own Caesar dressing without raw egg. The only thing I found was a recipe with 'egg substitue', um, no thanks - I don't even want to know how they make that. And now I'm sitting here craving a Thai beef salad, but no where around here to get one. I'll have to have a sandwich - more carbs. Story of my culinary life

I'm really trying to be conscious of what I eat, without being really restrictive. I like chocolate, I eat chocolate. I'm not giving it up no way no how. But I'm trying to contraol portion sizes and main meals. Carbs are always such a focal poitn and I'd like to try and expand on the foods I eat while my taste buds seem to be receptive (I don't like a whole heap of foods). My back is already quite sore, and I'm sure that will increase as the baby grows and I get bigger. So I'd prefer not to pack on an additional 5 - 10 kilos of fat just because I'm pregnant.

I think I also made it worse because I decreased physical activity for once I found out I was pregnant. Just another thing on the list of things I didn't want to do in the hope that I avoided a miscarriage. Am looking forward to getting back into a routine and walking a bit more.

Chrio again on Saturday so hopefully they can ease some of the pressure off my back. I'd really like to get this under control before I get too much bigger adn put more strain on my back.

To the poor people who always have back pain. YOU. DESERVE. A. MEDAL. I don't know how you do it? Mine is only early in the day and late in the evening. But its such an inconvenince and casues so much discomfort. I just can't imagine feeling tliek that constantly. I really do sympathise with you!

Anyway, i've rambled enough. Scan tomorrow, I'll update once we have results. Have a lovely day everyone, and feel free to leave comments of some healthy recipes for pregnancy

I don't eat the following:




And probably a billion other things, but I wont get too fussy

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