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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

13 Weeks Pregnant

The NT scan went well on Thurday. The baby was being unco-operative and the Dr was jamming the U/S wand in and out of my pelvis, jiggling it around to try and wake the baby up. It bloody hurt!!!! I ended up having to go for a walk up and down stairs to try and wake it. But she got her good shot of the neck fold, which measured at 1.2mm

The Diagnostic Centre called and gave me ny results back on Monday.

Below are the combined risks (blood test and neck measuremnt)

Trisomy 13 = 1 in 101,409
Trisomy 18 = 1 in 32,148
Trisomy 21 = 1 in 13,466 (Down Syndrome)

So definitely happy with those resultsm especially as I'm pushing 30.

So now comes the big decision. When do we start telling people?
After previous losses I just can't hnadle the thought of doing the big group announement, or a facebook announcement. So do we just keep it to ourselves until we see people - or do we ring everyone who 'needs to know'. We have told parents and grandparents, and one set of cousins (they are expecting also).
But other than that, I'm not really sure how to approach it this time?
I know that there are several people who are going to be upset that they haven't known since conception :). But I'm really hoping that they understand our reasons behind keeping it quiet for so long.......

OB appointment went well and I have graduated to a four week appointment!!!! he suggested swimming and yoga or pilates to ease my back pain. I know I can't keep going to the chiro each week!


  1. YAY congratulations on the NT SCAN! that is wonderful new! WOW its actually all happening for you now! Sinking in yet? Your having a baby!!!

  2. WHERE DID YOU GO??????????? I have been checking in your regularly, and I'm starting to worry about you!
